CUTS-CRC with the support of the West Bengal Pollution Control Board is working on a project titled “Status of Battery Waste Management in West Bengal”. The overall objective of the project was to identify the stakeholders involved in different stages of waste battery recycling and assess the extent of compliance to the Battery (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001 among various stakeholders. The study aimed at coming up with forward looking recommendations towards better compliance by the stakeholders.
The project activities involved a detailed analysis of the returns filed during the last four years by different stakeholders to the West Bengal Pollution Control Board. This helped to get a basic understanding and picture of the status of affairs regarding returns filed in the last few years and hence the level of compliance in the West Bengal.
The issues and gaps identified from the above analysis were further researched through questionnaire survey of different stakeholder groups like Manufacturers, Recyclers, Bulk Consumers, Auctioneers, Dealers, End Consumers, etc. The questionnaire survey also included collection of primary data on how aware the stakeholders are about the Battery Rules, 2001 and how much compliant to the rules each category is.
The idea was also to understand the perspectives & challenges faced by the different stakeholder groups, identify the gaps in the policy itself, and come up with appropriate recommendations.
The project is nearing its completion and a draft report with recommendations has been forwarded to West Bengal Pollution Control Board.