About Us

Mission Statement

Promote empowerment equity and sustainable development within and across borders in Eastern South Asia through evidence based advocacy and consumer empowerment

CUTS Calcutta Resource Centre (CUTS CRC) came into existence in 1987. From the early days of its inception, CUTS CRC has undergone many changes in term of its focus areas. It started working in the area of consumer protection and gradually added trade, economics and environment issues to its scope of work in the ensuing years. In 1997, it focused its work on 'consumer safety' and 'sustainable development'. It launched a new programme called 'Safety watch' to focus on Consumer Safety, and Sustainable Production and Consumption. A host of projects on environmental sustainability and consumer safety were taken up during this period. Since 2008, the Centre has been working on Energy, Sustainability, Trade, Regulatory Reforms, Consumer Safety and Governance issues.

Today, the Centre has developed a comprehensive understanding and experience in working on Trade and Regional Connectivity in Bay of Bengal Region, Regional Economic Cooperation, Energy & Sustainability, and Consumer Empowerment and Safety. It specialises in field and action research and generation of primary data through stakeholder consultations. Policy advocacy, capacity building and networking has become a consequent corollary.